Eight Grade Stop-Motion Animations

Eighth Graders recently completed a stop-motion animation project in Art and Music class, based on a social or environmental issue. Students worked in groups of three or four to complete a collage-style animation--made entirely from cut paper--and record their own music. They screened their animations in the theater last week, presented their process, and answered questions from teachers and students.
Check out their videos on Youtube:
Sarya, Jinho and Maya, "Hope": https://youtu.be/R_Wl2bzJFhU
Karuna, Alex and Kit, "Media Addiction": https://youtu.be/o_TVuGDA6h0
Jeongyun, Ayushma and Hridayendra, "Bella and Bow": https://youtu.be/F5wxkxE7Bcg
Aashni, Tisa, Mae-line and Sambridhi, "New Life": https://youtu.be/i_tmotkJADo