
Recent Lincoln School News

Friday, November 6, 2015

ipads in Third Grade

Third Grade Receives iPads

Third graders were thrilled to take part in the LS School's one-to-one iPad integration. Students have been learning about iPad safety and care, as well as, how to use iPads as a tool in learning. Yesterday, students used their iPads to record themselves reading a challenging text with expression. Then, they listened to their reading and reflected. In a few weeks, students will record themselves reading the same passage and will reflect on areas of growth. 
Not only have the iPads brought fresh excitement to the learning process in third grade, they have also stimulated important learning discussions. Students have become more aware about learning tools. They are being trained to ask themselves what the most salient and efficient tool is in a learning situation. Is there a good app on their iPad, should they use a calculator, a pencil, their whiteboard, or is their brain the fastest tool in that moment? 

Please stay tuned for more details as the third graders complete their very first Whiteboard Animation lessons and their class "I am From" montage.