
Recent Lincoln School News

Monday, March 27, 2017

Grade 9 Service Nepal 2017

Twenty-two hungry and tired kids got off the bus at 6:30 PM as they reached their desired destination, Ratnanagar Gothauli Chitwan. There was a lovely ceremony that included the presentation of tikkas and flowers to welcome us, along with a traditional Nepali meal, which we helped prepare. Over the next four days, we helped local Nepali farmers build bio-domes, so that they could have a sustainable resource of gas for cooking. It was a long but rewarding process. First, we had to measure and dig the dome about ten feet across and six feet deep. Then, we had to lay bricks down, as well as make a wall of bricks around the circumference of the hole. Because the cement had to dry for a couple of days before we could make the dome, we went to another house to finish their dome. Once the template of dirt for the dome was complete, we proceeded to cover it in cement, with the engineer’s much needed guidance.

Apart from the building of domes, the class also took part in learning traditional Nepali fishing, late night dance classes, both Nepali and swing, and even a ride into the nearby village on ox carts. We were also able to take a traditional canoe ride to view wildlife that included:  crocodiles, spotted deer and the rare one-horned rhino. On the last night what looked to be the entire village came together to watch traditional Tharu dancing which In which we participated. I do believe that no one will contradict me when I say that it was one of the best Service Nepal trips ever!

By Maiya Justice
Our first sunrise on the plains of the Terai

Although the seats were hard, and the roads were rough, as Mr. Nielsen said, “It gives you character.”

Many people put their blood and sweat into digging this hole.

We can officially cross building a dome off of our bucket lists

An afternoon canoe ride filled with Rhinos and crocs

The ladies and gents dolled up in traditional Tharu clothing